Our driver app automatically manages driver availability and automatically dispatches to your workflows based on real time capacity and rules.
The app provides your workforce with step by step instructions to complete the task at hand, including how to work within your unique service drive, customer interactions, loaner and RO paperwork processes and more.
You design the experience delivered to your at home customer. Our app arms your workflows with the steps to execute your concierge consumer experience including driver attire, consumer talk tracks, paperwork exchanges and documentation validation.
The driver app covers sales, service and day to day operational logistics for single locations, dealer groups or national programs. Centrally manage your programs and workflows, set your rules and manage through our reporting suite.
Our software platform provides flexible workflow options to fit your unique needs. Use your current staff for smaller operations, leverage the existing workforce from your valet or parking vendors, or expore tun key local and national market place solutions. Simply install the driver app on any iOS or Android phone to build your workforce.
Your current staff is a great place to start using our platform. Porters, valet staff, 1099 contractors and sale associates are commonly used to perform the driving services for smaller operations.
In many cases, you already have vendors providing a workforce for various functions such as service lane valet, greeters, parking or lot management operations. Maximize their efficiency and control their driving schecule and availabiliy with our robust settings and rules.
If you require higher volumes or regional and national solutions, inquire about our turn key marketplaces options. Marketplaces manage the recruiting, onboarding, certification and health of local driver networks. All drivers must pass rigorous background checks, process and driving certifications and maintain good standing within the marketplace.
Interested in learning how out of store experiences can help your store or enterprise? In a short phone call, our experts can walk you through the benefits, product features and options and provide you with a custom impact analysis for your organization.
[salesforce form="1"]Interested in learning how out of store experiences can help your store or enterprise? In a short phone call, our experts can walk you through the benefits, product features and options and provide you with a custom impact analysis for your organization.